WELCOME to St. Mary’s Parish Web site.  As you look through this site you will find that St. Mary’s has a long and inspiring history of Christian work and witness in Burlington, New Jersey.   Our faith is expressed in worship, outreach, fellowship and prayer.  Our active Church School works to nurture our young people through Christian teaching.  Other groups exist to support the various ministries of the parish, while programs and activities through the year are planned to strengthen our commitment and fellowship in Christ.

We are proud of our history, and grateful for the work and examples of those who have gone before.  Most important, we recognize that history is of value to the Church only if it serves as a foundation for our current life.  We invite you to consider joining us as we take the best the past has to offer and carry it forward into the future of St. Mary’s Parish.


Worship Schedule

Our regular schedule

  • Saturday Low Mass at 5:30 p.m. (Rite I)
  • Sunday Low Mass at 7:30 a.m. (Rite I)
    Choral Eucharist at 9 a.m. (Rite I)
  • Friday Low Mass at Noon (Rite I)

(The first Friday of the month is a Requiem for the departed; the second Friday includes anointing for healing.)

During the Summer months all services are held in Old St. Mary’s Church on the corner of West Broad and Wood Street. The building is air conditioned.

Other Weekdays and Holy Days will be noted on the parish calendar of events.

Stations of the Cross is read on Fridays at 5:30 p.m. during Lent.

The Offering Plate: Congregants are invited to leave their offering in the offering plate located inside the door as they enter the church. No passing of the plate will occur. Please consider utilizing online giving at www.stmarysburlington.org/on-line-giving/

Continued Prayer: As always, please keep each other in prayer.
If you wish to view the Sunday service, or other “streamed” services, live on Facebook and Instagram, you can follow along with the Bulletin found on the St. Mary’s website:
Click here to view>>>>

You don’t  need to belong to Facebook in order to view the videos online at https://www.facebook.com/stmarysburlington/.  You can also watch the service on Instagram @stmarysburlington, tap the link in the bio to view.

Coffee Hour after the 9 a.m. Service is scheduled once a month.



Latest News

  • Ladle of Love

    ST. MARY’S LADLE OF LOVE operates as a Food Pantry for the community on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Wednesday of each month at St....

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