During the summer months we worship in Old St. Mary’s Church at the corner of Wood and West Broad Street. 

Dear Friends in Christ,

Face masks:  we are no longer requiring the wearing of face masks for worship services. Of course, anyone who prefers to wear a mask is welcome to do so.
Our regular weekend schedule is Low Mass on Saturday at 5:30 p.m. and Low Mass on Sunday at 7:30 a.m.  Sung Mass on Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
In addition, we have re-instituted our weekly Friday Eucharist at Noon.
The nursery remains closed.

Coffee Hour after the 9 a.m. Service is scheduled once a month.

The Offering Plate: Congregants are invited to leave their offering in the offering plate located inside the door as they enter the church. No passing of the plate will occur. Please consider utilizing online giving at www.stmarysburlington.org/on-line-giving/

Continued Prayer: As always, please keep each other in prayer.
If you wish to view the Sunday service, or other “streamed” services, live on Facebook and Instagram, you can follow along with the Bulletin found on the St. Mary’s website:
Click here to view>>>>

You don’t  need to belong to Facebook in order to view the videos online at https://www.facebook.com/stmarysburlington/.  You can also watch the service on Instagram @stmarysburlington, tap the link in the bio to view.


Friday Evening Prayer and Stations of the Cross:  During Lent we will offer Evening Prayer on Fridays at 5:30 p.m., with Stations of the Cross following. Stations of the Cross is an ancient devotion of readings and prayer recalling our Lord’s journey to the Cross.



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